Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Cottage on Juniper Ridge

Title: The Cottage on Juniper Ridge
By Sheila Roberts

The Gist:
It all begins with a book... “Simplicity,” an easy idea, but a hard action.  This book is just the wake-up call that Jen Heath needs.  Upon reflection, she realizes that she is living to work, instead of working to live.  What better way to remedy the situation than to unload the unneeded pressures of a fancy condo, an unfulfilling job, and life the city, for a small, simple cottage in the idyllic small town?
What she discovers is that life is a lot better when you have time to form relationships with friends, tackle tasks that you have always wondered if you could do, and drool over your amazing fire-fighter landlord.  Join the newest member of the Icicle Falls community, and see how “Simplicity” changes the lives of the women in this town.

What I thought:
This was just the story that I’ve been needing!  First of all, the writing is beautiful!  Miss Roberts is amazing at capturing that warm feeling that comes from real, positive, female friendships.  She is one of those authors that is able to give readers the opportunity to seep into her pages and feel as though they are a part of, in this story, the book club. 
The characters in this story were so relatable and “alive,” and I really enjoyed watching how each person applied the concepts of “Simplicity” to their lives.  I found a piece of myself (and in doing so, a lesson that I am now trying to apply to my life) in each of these women, from the mother needing to learn to say no, to the woman who attached sentimentality to objects which were starting to take over her house and her life.  This novel made me really think about ways that I could cut back and simplify, leading to greater enjoyment of the things that truly matter.
I am so excited to have found this book, and I am even more excited to learn that it is part of a series!  I cannot wait to return to Icicle Falls, and discover more about these characters that I already feel that I know.  If you find yourself feeling stressed about getting everything done, and you enjoy good, happy stories full of friendship, family, and love, pick up this book!

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