Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Madhouse Cookbook

Title: The Madhouse Cookbook
By Jo Pratt

The Gist:
This is a cookbook written by a British Food Host, and mother, with the intension of giving mom’s an easy way to cook good, healthy meals for their children, husbands, and even friends.  The book is split into three chapters, “Monday to Friday Survival,” “Busy Weekends,” and “Cling to Your Social Life.  It includes recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, desserts, and drinks.

What I thought:
 This is a wonderful concept for a cookbook!  As a mom of two little ones, I am constantly looking for ways to simplify meal preparation without sacrificing quality and taste.  Unfortunately, this was not the cookbook for me.  Perhaps it is because the author is British, or maybe my family just has much simpler taste, but most of the recipes in this book did not appeal to me...
For the sake of argument, I wrote out ingredients for a couple of recipes that had a few ingredients that I had never heard of, and was actually unable to find them in our small town grocery store.  There were a couple of recipes that I tried, that were big hits with my family, including the Broccoli, Mushroom and Parmesan Gnocchi, the Simple slow-roast Chicken dinner, and the Hot Fudge sauce (if you can find golden syrup)- yum!
Miss Pratt’s recipes are easy to follow, and it is very evident that she is a wonderful cook, it is just simply not my cup of tea (please excuse the pun).  If your family has an experimental palate, and you live in a place with access to a wide selection of grocery ingredients, you would probably get a lot of use out of this cookbook!

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