Title: A Second Chance for Christmas
by Nashin Sadeer
The Gist:
Nathan is a
widower who has allowed his grief over his wife’s death to overtake his whole
life, including his relationship with his son, Stephan. As years pass, and opportunities to be
a part of Stephan’s life are pushed aside for work, Nathan is in great danger
of losing the only worth-while thing that he has left in the world. As luck, or fate, would have it, a
miracle is placed in this family’s lives in the form of a substitute teacher
named Kate.
Kate brings
Nathan’s lack of involvement as well as its negative affect on Stephan to the
front of Nathan’s mind, and does not let up until he acknowledges fault and
begins to repair their relationship.
In doing so, she earns a place in his, and Stephan’s heart and begins
the journey towards blending a new family. But there is something that no one knows about Kate,
something that will change each relationship that she tries to enter, and each
person that she touches for the better...
What I Thought:
I had a very hard time with
this book. The writing was
incredibly choppy and not descriptive at all. I tried my hardest to identify with the characters, with
such a sympathetic, emotional storyline, you would think that would be easy,
but I couldn’t find anything to connect to.
The idea for this
story was great, and could definitely make a good Christmas read, but this
novel seemed to be carelessly and quickly thrown together. The words, chuckled, young man/woman,
and touched appeared on almost every page which, at times kept my interest (I
was almost ready to begin tallying) more than the story I was reading. I had a very hard time believing that
this story was set in Nashville, unless all of the characters happened to move
there from Britain...
I absolutely hate
giving bad reviews, and can only imagine the amount of work and heart that goes
into writing and editing a novel, but I feel that it is only fair to be honest
with everything that I write. I
think that this story had a lot of potential, but would not recommend it.
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